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A number of commands are available for game masters.

Security tiers:

  • 0 - Normal Player
  • 1 - Quality Assurance
  • 2 - Hall Monitors
  • 3 - Developers (only available in debug build)
  • 4 - Game Master

If Imlight was built in release mode, any command with a developer security level required will instead be forwarded to Game Master tier.

Ungrouped Commands

teleportQuality Assurance.teleport $zonenameTeleports you to a specific zone. If a zone is not found, it will guess.

Account Commands

accountHall Monitor.accountShows all the available account commands.
account createHall Monitor.account create $username $passwordCreates an account with a username and password.
account deleteGame Master.account delete $usernameDeletes an account associated with a username.
account lockHall Monitor.account lock $usernamePrevents an account from logging in.
account unlockHall Monitor.account unlock $usernameUnlocks an account.
account passwordGame Master.account password $username $password $passwordChanges the password for an account.
account authlevelGame Master.account authlevel $username $newlevelSets the authority level for an account,
account infoHall Monitor.account info $usernameShows information about an account.
account infractionsHall Monitor.account infractions $usernameShows the infractions set on an account.
account warnHall Monitor.account warn $username $reasonAdds an infraction record to an account.
account removewarnHall Monitor.account removewarn $usernameRemoves an infraction record from an account.
banHall Monitor.banShows all of the available ban commands.
ban accountHall Monitor.ban account $username $bantime <e.g. 4d20h3s> $reasonBans an account for an amount of time.
ban ipHall Monitor.ban ip $ip $bantime <e.g. 4d20h3s> $reasonBans an IP for an amount of time.
ban machineHall Monitor.ban machine $machineid $bantime <e.g. 4d20h3s> $reasonBans a machine Id for an amount of time.
ban infoHall Monitor.ban info $usernameShows information about the most recent ban on an account.
unbanHall Monitor.unbanShows all of the available unban commands.
unban accountHall Monitor.unban account $usernameUnbans an account.
unban ipHall Monitor.unban ip $ipUnbans an IP.
unban machineHall Monitor.unban machine $machineidUnbans a machine ID.

Context Commands

The commands below require a player to be selected to use.


Your command context will not drop. If you select a player, that player will still be in your context no matter how much time has passed.

muteHall Monitor.mute $duration <e.g. 4d20h3s> $reasonMutes the entire account.
unmuteHall Monitor.unmuteUnmutes the account.
kickHall Monitor.kickKicks the player from the current server.
warnHall Monitor.warn $reasonAdds an infraction record to the user's account.
infoHall Monitor.infoShows account information about the selected character.

Modification Commands

levelupQuality Assurance.mod levelupLevels up your character.
levelQuality Assurance.mod level $levelLevels up your character to a certain level.
speedQuality Assurance.mod speed $speedChanges your speed. The number matches the ingame, so 40 would give you mount speed.
additemQuality Assurance.mod additem $idAdds an item to your inventory by ID.
addsnackQuality Assurance.mod addsnack $idAdds a snack to your pet snack bag.
nameQuality Assurance.mod name $newNameAdds a new name override to your character.
maxgoldQuality Assurance.mod maxgold $newMaxGoldChanges the amount of max gold you can carry.
addgoldQuality Assurance.mod addgold $goldAdds gold to your wizard.
maxhealthQuality Assurance.mod maxhealth $newHealthChanges your base health value.
maxmanaQuality Assurance.mod maxmana $newManaChanges your base mana value.
maxenergyQuality Assurancemod maxenergy $newValueChanges the maximum energy of your character.
currenthealthQuality Assurance.mod currenthealth $newHealthChanges your current health value.
currentmanaQuality Assurance.mod currentmana $newManaChanges your current mana value.
currentenergyQuality Assurancemod currentenergy $newValueChanges the current energy of your character.
healQuality Assurance.mod healHeals your wizard to full.
rejuvQuality Assurance.mod rejuvFills your wizard's mana to full.
energizeQuality Assurancemod energizeRefills the energy of your character.
cantriplevelupQuality Assurancemod cantriplevelupLevels up your cantrip level.
cantriplevelQuality Assurancemod cantriplevel $levelChanges your cantrip level.
badgeQuality Assurancemod badge $locale_idChanges your badge. This must be a locale id to function.

Spellbook Commands

addQuality add $spellIdAdds a temporary spell to your spellbook.
removeQuality remove $spellIdRemoves a temporary spell from your spellbook.
learnQuality learn $spellIdPermanently learn a new spell.
unlearnQuality unlearn $spellIdUnlearn a spell.
unlearnallQuality unlearnallUnlearns all spells.

Debug Commands

gpsQuality Assurance.debug gpsShows your current location on the server.