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A number of commands are available for game masters.

Security tiers:

  • 0 - Normal Player
  • 1 - Quality Assurance
  • 2 - Hall Monitors
  • 3 - Developers (only available in debug build)
  • 4 - Game Master

If Imlight was built in release mode, any command with a developer security level required will instead be forwarded to Game Master tier.

Ungrouped Commands

teleportQuality Assurance.teleport $zonenameTeleports you to a specific zone. If a zone is not found, it will guess.

Account Commands

accountHall Monitor.accountShows all the available account commands.
account createHall Monitor.account create $username $passwordCreates an account with a username and password.
account deleteGame Master.account delete $usernameDeletes an account associated with a username.
account lockHall Monitor.account lock $usernamePrevents an account from logging in.
account unlockHall Monitor.account unlock $usernameUnlocks an account.
account passwordGame Master.account password $username $password $passwordChanges the password for an account.
account authlevelGame Master.account authlevel $username $newlevelSets the authority level for an account,
account infoHall Monitor.account info $usernameShows information about an account.
account infractionsHall Monitor.account infractions $usernameShows the infractions set on an account.
account warnHall Monitor.account warn $username $reasonAdds an infraction record to an account.
account removewarnHall Monitor.account removewarn $usernameRemoves an infraction record from an account.
banHall Monitor.banShows all of the available ban commands.
ban accountHall Monitor.ban account $username $bantime <e.g. 4d20h3s> $reasonBans an account for an amount of time.
ban ipHall Monitor.ban ip $ip $bantime <e.g. 4d20h3s> $reasonBans an IP for an amount of time.
ban machineHall Monitor.ban machine $machineid $bantime <e.g. 4d20h3s> $reasonBans a machine Id for an amount of time.
ban infoHall Monitor.ban info $usernameShows information about the most recent ban on an account.
unbanHall Monitor.unbanShows all of the available unban commands.
unban accountHall Monitor.unban account $usernameUnbans an account.
unban ipHall Monitor.unban ip $ipUnbans an IP.
unban machineHall Monitor.unban machine $machineidUnbans a machine ID.

Context Commands

The commands below require a player to be selected to use.


Your command context will not drop. If you select a player, that player will still be in your context no matter how much time has passed.

muteHall Monitor.mute $duration <e.g. 4d20h3s> $reasonMutes the entire account.
unmuteHall Monitor.unmuteUnmutes the account.
kickHall Monitor.kickKicks the player from the current server.
warnHall Monitor.warn $reasonAdds an infraction record to the user's account.
infoHall Monitor.infoShows account information about the selected character.

Modification Commands

levelupQuality Assurance.mod levelupLevels up your character.
levelQuality Assurance.mod level $levelLevels up your character to a certain level.
speedQuality Assurance.mod speed $speedChanges your speed. The number matches the ingame, so 40 would give you mount speed.
additemQuality Assurance.mod additem $idAdds an item to your inventory by ID.
nameQuality Assurance.mod name $newNameAdds a new name override to your character.
maxgoldQuality Assurance.mod maxgold $newMaxGoldChanges the amount of max gold you can carry.
addgoldQuality Assurance.mod addgold $goldAdds gold to your wizard.
maxhealthQuality Assurance.mod maxhealth $newHealthChanges your base health value.
maxmanaQuality Assurance.mod maxmana $newManaChanges your base mana value.
currenthealthQuality Assurance.mod currenthealth $newHealthChanges your current health value.
currentmanaQuality Assurance.mod currentmana $newManaChanges your current mana value.
healQuality Assurance.mod healHeals your wizard to full.
rejuvQuality Assurance`.mod rejuvFills your wizard's mana to full.

Spellbook Commands

addQuality add $spellIdAdds a temporary spell to your spellbook.
removeQuality remove $spellIdRemoves a temporary spell from your spellbook.
learnQuality learn $spellIdPermanently learn a new spell.
unlearnQuality unlearn $spellIdUnlearn a spell.
unlearnallQuality unlearnallUnlearns all spells.

Debug Commands

gpsQuality Assurance.debug gpsShows your current location on the server.