A number of commands are available for game masters.
Security tiers:
- Normal Player1
- Quality Assurance2
- Hall Monitors3
- Developers (only available in debug build)4
- Game Master
If Imlight was built in release mode, any command with a developer security level required will instead be forwarded to Game Master tier.
Ungrouped Commands
Command | Security | Syntax | Description |
teleport | Quality Assurance | .teleport $zonename | Teleports you to a specific zone. If a zone is not found, it will guess. |
Account Commands
Command | Security | Syntax | Description |
account | Hall Monitor | .account | Shows all the available account commands. |
account create | Hall Monitor | .account create $username $password | Creates an account with a username and password. |
account delete | Game Master | .account delete $username | Deletes an account associated with a username. |
account lock | Hall Monitor | .account lock $username | Prevents an account from logging in. |
account unlock | Hall Monitor | .account unlock $username | Unlocks an account. |
account password | Game Master | .account password $username $password $password | Changes the password for an account. |
account authlevel | Game Master | .account authlevel $username $newlevel | Sets the authority level for an account, |
account info | Hall Monitor | .account info $username | Shows information about an account. |
account infractions | Hall Monitor | .account infractions $username | Shows the infractions set on an account. |
account warn | Hall Monitor | .account warn $username $reason | Adds an infraction record to an account. |
account removewarn | Hall Monitor | .account removewarn $username | Removes an infraction record from an account. |
ban | Hall Monitor | .ban | Shows all of the available ban commands. |
ban account | Hall Monitor | .ban account $username $bantime <e.g. 4d20h3s> $reason | Bans an account for an amount of time. |
ban ip | Hall Monitor | .ban ip $ip $bantime <e.g. 4d20h3s> $reason | Bans an IP for an amount of time. |
ban machine | Hall Monitor | .ban machine $machineid $bantime <e.g. 4d20h3s> $reason | Bans a machine Id for an amount of time. |
ban info | Hall Monitor | .ban info $username | Shows information about the most recent ban on an account. |
unban | Hall Monitor | .unban | Shows all of the available unban commands. |
unban account | Hall Monitor | .unban account $username | Unbans an account. |
unban ip | Hall Monitor | .unban ip $ip | Unbans an IP. |
unban machine | Hall Monitor | .unban machine $machineid | Unbans a machine ID. |
Context Commands
The commands below require a player to be selected to use.
Your command context will not drop. If you select a player, that player will still be in your context no matter how much time has passed.
Command | Security | Syntax | Description |
mute | Hall Monitor | .mute $duration <e.g. 4d20h3s> $reason | Mutes the entire account. |
unmute | Hall Monitor | .unmute | Unmutes the account. |
kick | Hall Monitor | .kick | Kicks the player from the current server. |
warn | Hall Monitor | .warn $reason | Adds an infraction record to the user's account. |
info | Hall Monitor | .info | Shows account information about the selected character. |
Modification Commands
Command | Security | Syntax | Description |
levelup | Quality Assurance | .mod levelup | Levels up your character. |
level | Quality Assurance | .mod level $level | Levels up your character to a certain level. |
speed | Quality Assurance | .mod speed $speed | Changes your speed. The number matches the ingame, so 40 would give you mount speed. |
additem | Quality Assurance | .mod additem $id | Adds an item to your inventory by ID. |
addsnack | Quality Assurance | .mod addsnack $id | Adds a snack to your pet snack bag. |
name | Quality Assurance | .mod name $newName | Adds a new name override to your character. |
maxgold | Quality Assurance | .mod maxgold $newMaxGold | Changes the amount of max gold you can carry. |
addgold | Quality Assurance | .mod addgold $gold | Adds gold to your wizard. |
maxhealth | Quality Assurance | .mod maxhealth $newHealth | Changes your base health value. |
maxmana | Quality Assurance | .mod maxmana $newMana | Changes your base mana value. |
maxenergy | Quality Assurance | mod maxenergy $newValue | Changes the maximum energy of your character. |
currenthealth | Quality Assurance | .mod currenthealth $newHealth | Changes your current health value. |
currentmana | Quality Assurance | .mod currentmana $newMana | Changes your current mana value. |
currentenergy | Quality Assurance | mod currentenergy $newValue | Changes the current energy of your character. |
heal | Quality Assurance | .mod heal | Heals your wizard to full. |
rejuv | Quality Assurance | .mod rejuv | Fills your wizard's mana to full. |
energize | Quality Assurance | mod energize | Refills the energy of your character. |
cantriplevelup | Quality Assurance | mod cantriplevelup | Levels up your cantrip level. |
cantriplevel | Quality Assurance | mod cantriplevel $level | Changes your cantrip level. |
badge | Quality Assurance | mod badge $locale_id | Changes your badge. This must be a locale id to function. |
Spellbook Commands
Command | Security | Syntax | Description |
add | Quality Assurance | .sb add $spellId | Adds a temporary spell to your spellbook. |
remove | Quality Assurance | .sb remove $spellId | Removes a temporary spell from your spellbook. |
learn | Quality Assurance | .sb learn $spellId | Permanently learn a new spell. |
unlearn | Quality Assurance | .sb unlearn $spellId | Unlearn a spell. |
unlearnall | Quality Assurance | .sb unlearnall | Unlearns all spells. |
Debug Commands
Command | Security | Syntax | Description |
gps | Quality Assurance | .debug gps | Shows your current location on the server. |