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Launch Arguments

When launching the .exe located in the bin directory, there are various launch arguments that can be passed to modify the behavior of the client.

Below is a table of the possible launch arguments.

-?Displays a generic help message.
-L [IP] [PORT]Skips the launcher and connects to a login server.
-U ..[ID] [PasswordHash] [Username]Hands relevant user identification to the game client.
-C [GID]Skips character creation and loads a character by ID. Must be used in tandem with -U.
-Z [IP]Used in tandem with -C to load the character into a specific zone server.
-T [Name]Tests the local zone server.
-E [GID]Equip this item on the local player. Must be used in tandem with -T-R [Zone Name] - Run Zone.
-R [IP]Runs a zone server.
-R2 [IP] [GID]Runs a secondary test player connecting to the -R zone server.
-D [DIRECTORY]Sets the data root directory.
-S [NAME]Runs a script by name.
-SR [RESOLUTION]Sets the screen resolution. Ex. 1280x1024.
-K [0 | 1]Enables the script debugger.
-HSEnable heap server.
-HDEnables heap debugging.
-EF_OVERFLOWEnables overflow detection.
-EF_UNDERFLOWEnables underflow detection.
-G [PATH]Enables logging to a given file path.
-P [0 | 1]Enables patching.
-M [0 | 1]Enables maintenance mode.
-X [PATH]Dumps internal types to a given file path. Requires elevated authentication.
-OLogs all resource requests.
-A [LOCALE]Sets the clients language.
-UN [0 | 1]Force unique character names.
-STSteam required.
-PTPatch client patch time.
-CSDumps client signature.