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KiNP Sessions

The client and the server it is attempting to connect to must first establish a valid session before any data is sent across KiNP. The server will try to initiate a handshaking process as soon as a new connection is established, during which the client and the server agree on a session.

Session Offer

Upon the arrival of a new connection, any server implementation should allocate a unique value between the minimum and maximum values of a ushort (0-65535). This also means that any server is hard-capped by this values and may only ever handle this maximum.

Once a unique ID has been allocated, the server should respond to the new client connection with a session offer message. Most importantly, the SessionID field.

The other fields are used for validation purposes, and while there is no fault in leaving them blank, it is recommend that any server properly employ these fields.

Session Accept

Once the game client has received the aforementioned message, it will respond with the session accept message echoing the session ID given.

The values returned by this message are used later during the authentication process and a server should remember these values for the session.

Keep Alive

Once a session is established, the keep alive messages are bounced between the client and server every so often to make sure both connections are still active.

The game client will send KeepAlive every 10 seconds to the server. The server may respond with it's own KeepAlive on any interval.

Both the server and the client will respond with the keep alive response message.


For frame of reference, Imlight sends the KeepAlive to a session once every 60 seconds.